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Epivir is the brand name of the drug which is generically known as Lamivudine. This medication is used to treat HIV-1 and HBV.
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Epivir 150mg

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    Drug Information

    Epivir contains Lamivudine, a Nucleoside Analog Reverse Transcriptase inhibitor, prescribed  for the treatment of insidious infection caused by human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, and chronic Hepatitis B. The medication terminates the growth of the virus from infecting the human cells and delays impairment of the immune system. Epivir does not eliminate the  infection completely, but slows down the defense damage in patients afflicted with the disease. The drug is recognized as well tolerated drug and comes in the form of tablets containing 150 milligrams and 300 milligrams of Lamivudine salt. Epivir is also available in 10mg/ml oral suspension.


    Lamivudine is the prime ingredient of Epivir medication, which works by inhibiting Type 1 and Type 2 Transciptase enzyme in HIV patients. The medication reverses the effect of the same enzyme in Hepatitis B infected. The positive results of the drug are visible early if consumed as directed by the physician. It is best to use Epivir at the same time each day.

    How to take Epivir

    Epivir is an oral medication to be consumed by mouth with water, before or after having food. The drug gets easily absorbed in the body with peak serum concentration occurs within 0.5 to 2 hours of using the drug. Do not self-medicate or overdose. Avoid missing Epivir tablets as it can worsen your condition further. Use this medication as advised by the doctor and read the medicinal leaflet to know the drug. To ascertain the effect of the medication on you, go for blood tests regularly. Do not bring any voluntary changes in the dosing schedule. Consult your doctor if you have any doubt about the medication.

    The standard Epivir dosage for the adults suffering from Type-1 HIV infection is 300mg, to be taken as one single dose or in two separate doses of 150 mg. For patients using the oral suspension, the regular dose is 4mg/kg, two times a day.

    Epivir side effects are persistent headache, weight changes, appetite loss, insomnia, sore throat, nausea, unusual bleeding and fever. The most serious condition is Lactic Acidosis, a condition when the lactic acid content exceeds the normal level drastically in the bloodstream. If any of these serious effects aggravate, call your doctor immediately.


    • Avoid using Epivir if you are allergic to the drug or its ingredient. Tell your doctor if you have suffered from any allergy in the past.
    • Patients suffering from any kidney, liver or pancreas related disorder must use this drug with utmost care.
    • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding a baby, use this medicine under medical supervision.
    • Children and elderly patients must use this medication carefully.
    • HIV patients must keep their belongings separately in order to prevent the transmission of the infection, such as needles, razor blades, toothbrush and more. Seek medical advice in regard to what instruments and equipments can transmit the infection.
    • Avoid unprotected sex with your partner. By doing so, you may risk his/her life.
    • Keep this medication out of the reach of children. 

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