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Zovirax – The Benefits and Risks It Offers – Also known as Acyclovir, Zovirax is famous as the first ever anti-viral drug in the world.
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Zovirax 200mg

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Zovirax 400mg

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$68.70 $2.29


Zovirax – The Benefits and Risks It Offers

Zovirax, Also known as Acyclovir is famous as the first ever anti-viral drug in the world. Synthesized and presented to the market for the first time by Howards Scherffer of Welcome Research Laboratories in 1974. A team lead by Gertrude B Elion research the drug in depth to find out what can it do best.

The Welcome Research Laboratories found that Zovirax is a wonder drug against viruses that cause herpes, and this was announced to the world in 1977 after more than 75 research studies were carried out on almost all the facets of the drug.

Acyclovir as a commercially produced drug obtained FDA approval in 1982 and entered the market in the form of ointment. It was available as a tablet – for oral use – only in 1985. According to the FDA approval.

Zovirax can be used for the following condition's treatment:

(1) Genital herpes
(2) Cichenpox or varicella
(3) Shingles or he Herpes zoster infections
(4) Recurrent herpes of the genitals
(5) Cold sores (Recurrent herpes labialis)
(6) Herpes simplex
(7) Severe cases of genital herpes
(8) Neonatal herpes

It is also used successfully against the following ailments:

(1) Greatly reduces the necessity of performing C-section in women who have had recurrent herpes;
(2) Greatly reduces the necessity of performing C-section in women who have had contacted the herpes during the pregnancy
(3) Viral infections post transplantation of organs
(4) Varicella neumonia

Zovirax is able to fight not one or two but four major groups of herpes viruses:

- Cytomegalo Virus
- Epstein-Barr Virus
- Herpes simplex virus
- Herpes simplex virus

The Advantages Of Using Zovirax -

There are many advantages that this drug offers, which reason it is often the most recommended medication for treatment related to the herpes virus.

(1) Hugely Effective Against Recurrent Genital Herpes – as every person who has suffered from genital herpes would acknowledge, there is nothing more painful than to think the problem is gone, only to find that it has reoccurred. Zovirax is highly effective in this type of viral attack. It is known to be able to reduce the repeat occurrence by as much as 90%.

(2) It Is Safe For Treatment Of Pregnant Women – the biggest challenge for pregnant women who are infected by this virus during or before pregnancy is how to control it without putting the bay at risk. Zovirax is totally safe during pregnancy and hence, an excellent choice for treatment of recurrent genital herpes.



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